Tuesday 27 October 2015

Doctor Who: The Missing Adventures by Timetunnel Media on iTunes

Doctor Who: The Missing Adventures by Timetunnel Media on iTunes 

There great audio WHO  drama adventures  that set before The Fury From The Deep that gives the Second Doctor a fresh take on the doctor that fits round time of the two Doctors and Five Doctors where the doctors moved out of time away from Jamie and Victoria on Christmas day     when he was fixing the Tardis end up dealing with the ice warriors on earth Christmas 2013 and why do ice warriors want him do genocide  to the earth  a clever new take on the ice warriors that link to curse of peladon  future also cracker Dalek  adventure link after events of the evil of Daleks of return of the human factor Daleks and Thals worth hearing also have space ghost story to finish the three new 2nd doctor who adventres with nice feell your at home watching doctor who at 17.15 saturday night 1967 season 5.
follow link of I TUNES page 

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